
ResultsNet is an independent sports results service with a mission to provide quick and easy access to the current and historical results that are important to you.

When launched in August 2023, ResultsNet saw all Border Games results from 2018 - 2023 available at the touch of a button.

As of 1st January 2024, ResultsNet provided the same easy access to many Highland Games results from 2023.

By the end of March 2024, all fifty-four sets of Highland Games results from 2023 were on ResultsNet.

As the 2024 season progresses, results of all Border Games and Highland Games are on ResultsNet soon after they become available.

1st January 2024 also saw the long established webpages of the unique New Year Sprint meeting find their home at ResultsNet.

2024 therefore sees results from all these traditional Scottish Games brought "under one roof".

ResultsNet is dedicated to continually expanding the scope of results available.

Behind ResultsNet

ResultsNet, the New Year Sprint website and Sportingworld.co.uk were conceived and developed single handedly by David Rothwell, Manchester.

David was a regular participant in Border Games and the New Year Sprint, making the occasional foray into Highland Games, from the early 1980s to the mid 2000s. He was a sprint finalist at Langholm, Peebles and St. Ronan's Border Games and Perth Highland Games. David was also a finalist in several supporting events at the New Year Gala, failing by a whisker to qualify for the 118th New Year Sprint final, in 1987.

Keen to establish a presence for the New Year Sprint on the Internet, David developed the inaugural version of the New Year Sprint website in late 1998 and the website evolved in looks, content and functionality over the next 25 years.

As manager of the New Year Sprint's online presence, David set up the New Year Sprint Facebook page in late 2015 and ran it for the rest of the Frank Hanlon era of promotion.

David further assisted Frank Hanlon on the organisational side from the mid 2010s and he took on the responsibility of meeting manager for the 154th New Year Sprint Gala in 2023, the final meeting of Frank's record breaking tenure as promoter.

Following the 154th meeting, David stepped back from organisational duties and focussed on developing ResultsNet as the go-to place for results of Border Games, Highland Games and the New Year Sprint.